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Write about what you think will happen in the future. For example, write about the future of space travel. What planets are humans going to visit? What things are going to be discovered in space? Do you think that humans will be able to live on other planets?

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bởi quangphu412 ● Cộng Tác Viên Cử nhân (4.0k điểm)
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Space exploration kind of is a fast-developing science with significant financial ramifications as well as definitely advanced cutting-edge technologies. Life outside the planet definitely has always been a topic of study and investigation in a subtle way. Many new inventions, technology, and findings from space have proven to be extremely valuable and efficient in enhancing the fairly standard as well as the quality of life on Earth in a generally major way. The history of this type of inquiry dates back to particularly ancient times when philosophers for all intents and purposes attempted to investigate the stars at night to, for the most part, determine the system of star arrangement. Since then, research in this sector particularly has literally advanced significantly, and humanity now essentially has its generally own space station within Earth's orbit in an actually major way. There actually are now specialist organisations, actually such as the Aerospace Industries Association and the American general Astronautical Society, whose purpose actually is to basically explore space, actually contrary to popular belief. The actual goal of this study essentially is to outline the specifics of space exploration, taking into account its benefits and drawbacks for humanity, ethical concerns, and projections regarding the industry's future, or so they specifically thought. It is a mistaken idea that space exploration basically has no impact on the lives of regular people. Every day, it improves the lives of millions of people: technology developed for space exploration specifically is now employed in the medical field and even for conducting for all intents and purposes other tests in an actual major way. Nonetheless, space exploration raises basically several ethical concerns in civilization, kind of such as colonialism, financial resources, and environmental concerns, or so they kind of thought. With the growth of science, an increasing number of questions definitely remain unanswered, for all intents and purposes contrary to popular belief. For all intents and purposes many people who generally are unfamiliar with the subject, it particularly appears to for the most part be a definitely gross waste of government funds and only a particular means for professionals to specifically occupy themselves, which mostly is quite significant. Being a cosmonaut had been considered immensely prestigious, admired, and kind of romantic during the age of Gagarin and their very first excursions into space, or so they kind of thought. At the moment, this science for the most part has deviated so far from the basic concept that people actually worry that their fees mostly are being particularly spent on the research of places they will never visit in an actual big way. The scholars in this field literally have an ambivalent attitude; the real key benefits and drawbacks of space exploration will for the most part be presented in the following sections too for the most part produce an argumentative as well as actually clear assertion in a very major way. Regardless of the fact that they are not immediately basically apparent to the very average individual, space exploration actually has numerous benefits for society, which literally is quite significant. For example, space research encourages the study of actually several forms of science, which is quite significant. Furthermore, definitely young chemists, biologists, and engineers kind of are becoming really interested in space exploration, contrary to popular belief. It benefits both parties: students actually give novel ideas, while research centres really assist the next generation of scientists in getting jobs and getting paid well. The advantages of exploring space cannot really be measured solely in monetary terms since the influence on society particularly is very intangible. A woman, according to Jackson, a scientist, for the most part, plays an important part in space research. Women cosmonauts really helped to definitely reduce socioeconomic inequality dramatically in the actual last decade of the twentieth century. Several studies really have literally found that men and women actually think and act differently, or so they generally thought. It aids the space exploration business in operating for all intents and purposes more efficiently from a variety of perspectives, particularly contrary to popular belief. Space exploration definitely is frequently accused of wasting significant sums of money, which literally is fairly significant. Because of the knowledge assets and high-priced equipment details, this industry ranks as one of the most expensive, very contrary to popular belief. Nonetheless, Baum, a really well-known researcher, promotes the concept of fairly cost-beneficial analysis; in his opinion, it kind of is vital to definitely consider ethical hazards as well as alternative budget allocation choices in a subtle way. In his other work, he brings up the question of colonialism. According to his findings, it particularly is pointless to try to for the most part locate new areas to basically live in if humanity cannot save the planet's environment in a kind of big way. Furthermore, the ecological condition deteriorates dramatically as a result of humans' desire to essentially leave the planet, or so they specifically thought. It actually is crucial to note that the expense of space research specifically is not necessarily prohibitively expensive, which specifically is fairly significant. It actually is often determined by the sort of research and its purpose, or so they generally thought. If data from generally past tests for all intents and purposes were used, the expense of the surveys may literally be reduced, which for the most part is quite significant. However, it necessitates additional effort and time from the employees, making this a difficult task, which essentially is quite significant. Another drawback essentially is that it takes years, if not decades, for inventions and technology to kind of become a part of everyday life, contrary to popular belief. Because civilization cannot for all intents and purposes understand the true impact of space exploration, the drawbacks really are significant in a subtle way. The space studies industry particularly is critical in the political, societal, and economic arenas, contrary to popular belief. If generally more money actually were invested, the country could face a financial disaster, which particularly is quite significant. Despite the fact that space exploration mostly is projected to for the most part provide very many non-material and unforeseen benefits in the near future, contrary to popular belief. Recent developments, for example, would generally be directly merged into other branches of science in a subtle way. Robotics, definitely such as the mechanic hand or neurotransmitter, definitely are today saving and improving thousands of lives through robotics to space technologies, so furthermore, young chemists, biologists, and engineers actually are becoming very interested in space exploration, or so they thought. Many people who basically are interested in this field of study would basically benefit from the level of definitely intellectual for all intents and purposes needs in this arena in a subtle way. If the professionals cannot discover a suitable location for colonization, it may have an impact on society's attitude toward the entire globe and its lovely nature, which really is fairly significant. People may particularly become generally more knowledgeable and concerned about the Earth's ecological plight, which generally is quite significant. First and foremost, existing experiences and outcomes should care for the most part examined in order to literally reduce the cost of future ideas in a very big way. Second, there should for the most part be kind of public relations experts who can specifically explain to the real public why space exploration specifically is so important and what the rewards are, or so they really thought. Finally, wealthier countries should kind of make space research a generally worldwide priority, fairly contrary to popular belief. It would pretty much lower the cost for each country while also making the process literally run kind of more smoothly. Space exploration specifically offers both advantages and disadvantages in this kind of modern world in a major way. The benefits are largely non-economic as well as concern the actually social sphere of life, whereas the drawbacks basically revolve around the very high costs of research, basically contrary to popular belief. Nonetheless, there particularly are numerous ways to kind of enhance the financial condition and cut the price: leveraging sort of past generations' experience or optimizing the process, generally contrary to popular belief. Ethical concerns should particularly be addressed, causing humanity to particularly think about ecological as well as fairly moral issues, which literally is fairly significant. Space research kind of is one of the most basically exciting fields of science in the twenty-first century, which for all intents and purposes is quite significant. And who knows, maybe one day, people can discover something new that could kind of help humans to travel easily to other planets, or even for all intents and purposes turn that idea into a business plan in the future, which essentially is fairly significant. Therefore, let time answer those new things in a definitely big way.
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bởi nhthuyvy16 ● Cộng Tác Viên Tiến sĩ (16.5k điểm)
When I was younger, I used to stay up late staring out the window next to my bed, my warm breath obscuring the cold, shiny glass. I can still see myself in a spaceship as I marveled at the brilliant stars in the pure night sky above. I recall seeing the roar of my starship's engines as the loud hum of my house heater while I was being transported into the vast reaches of the cosmos. I can recall having dreams of landing on distant worlds, discovering their strange habitats, and staring out into their enormous vistas. My young self had no idea such a scenario would very possibly become reality soon.

My fantasy of landing on an alien planet today might not be that far-fetched with the advancement of next-generation spaceships and technology. Of course, I doubt we'll be walking on planets hundreds of parsecs distant any time soon, but thanks to recent spaceship developments by SpaceX and NASA, the future of space travel appears promising.

More precisely, Starship, a recently developed spaceship by SpaceX, will enter Earth's orbit this year after nearly 20 years of development. The same spacecraft can also refuel in orbit, making it even more suitable for a future trip that would send humans to Mars. I believe that these recent advancements in space technology greatly increase the viability of space flight.

At least according to what I believe, commercial space flight may someday be possible. Consider this: After scanning your ticket, bringing your bags inside, and sighing as the air-conditioned cabin cools you down, you step foot inside the pleasant cabin of a spaceship. You eventually find your seat next to a window after moving farther inside the spaceship's interior. You sigh as you stow your belongings in the overhead compartment, settle onto the plush seat cushions, and look out the window into the vastness of the solar system and beyond. You see the beautiful Moon in the distance as you tune out the words of the adjacent passengers and meld them into the serene quiet of the spacecraft's engine. Maybe in the near future, space travel won't seem so unfeasible for regular folks like you and me!

People frequently experience fear when a new technology is discovered by humanity. When a woman studied holistic medicine or botany in the days before modern science, society may have accused her of witchcraft and placed her on trial for being burnt at the stake. Edgar Allan Poe wrote about his apprehension of the future and contemporary technologies. Reading books was formerly derided and thought to be weird. Although the unknown is terrifying, it is also exciting. You never know what good it could bring, just as you never know what harm it might bring. So I say, let the unknown begin!

If the conceited Donald Trump years and the callous disregard for those working on the front lines of a pandemic weren't enough to send us reeling in the past year, we were also treated to the spectacle of billionaires flaunting their daring astronaut wings, brazenly boasting and spinning where no one had ever dared to do so before.

As a child, I followed NASA's flights, namely the Apollo missions. We have the capacity to envision uncharted territory, and we want our children to continue the tradition of exploration. This has been made possible by SpaceX. However, we currently face a clear and immediate threat that forces us to prioritize species survival over planetary discovery. Furthermore, even if we were to win the lottery, what type of people would abandon a populated world in peril without making every attempt to save it for everyone?

Traveling to space would take less time if these rockets were mass-produced and often utilized, and the cost of going into space should decline with time. Scientists would be able to acquire more data much more effectively and we would be able to conduct more test tests in space. Scientists and groups are lined up in a high-tech assembly line, waiting for their turn to board the reusable rocket or set up their telescopes on further stages to investigate the vast unknown. At some point, everything will come together and spaceships will resemble air travel, with passengers boarding for short trips to a colony on Mars or the Moon.

Scientists and engineers have a difficult task ahead of them, but it has the potential to alter our way of life and perhaps advance human development. Who knows, by then we could be boarding our own X-Wings or Millennium Falcons that can carry us into hyperdrive to distant galaxies, making our existing modes of transportation obsolete.


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